"Dobra Dolja" (kind fate) is an old ukrainian traditional wedding song, that we included to our newest album "Sonce u Serci" (Sun in the heart)
You can listen to album here:
Paintings of the Ukrainian artist Svitlana Starodubtseva became the visual inspiration for the artwork of the album. She, as well as we, draws inspiration for her works from traditional Ukrainian folk art, so it seems to me that these paintings very well convey the messages we put into our songs.
Music: www.leleka.de/music
Facebook: www.facebook.com/lelekaofficial
Instagram: www.instagram.com/leleka_music
Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/LELEKA_music
THOMAS KOLARCZYK (DE) –double bass
Svitlana Starodubtseva (UA) - paintings
Lyrics in Ukrainian:
Добра доля
Уже Гальочка на віз сядає
Свеї долейки стиха питає
“Як добра доля, ходи зо мною,
Ой як лихая, пливи з водою.
Як добра доля, ходи навіки,
Ой як лихая, пливи на ріки.”
Ой біг зайчик та й через гайчик скакучи
Просить тестейко свого зятейка й плакучи:
“Надвєзи ж міне, мій же зятейко, й за ріки,
Дарую й тобі свою дитину й навіки.”
Lyrics in English
Kind Fate
Already Halochka* is getting on the cart
And quietly asks her fate:
“If you, my fate, are kind, follow me.
And if you are bad, then swim with the water.
If you, my fate, are kind, walk with me forever,
And if you are bad, flow down with the river.“
Oh, the rabbit ran through the wood, jumping
The father-in-law asks his son-in-law, crying:
“Take me, my son-in-law beyond rivers,
I gift you, my child forever.”
Lyrics in German:
Das gute Schicksal
Halochka*setzt sich schon in den Wagen
und fragt ihr eigenes Schicksal:
„Falls Du, mein Schicksal, gut bist, komm mit mir.
Falls Du schlecht bist, fließe weg mit dem Wasser.
Falls Du, mein Schicksal, gut bist, komm auf ewig.
Falls Du schlecht bist, fließe den Fluss hinab.“
Ach, ein Häschen hoppelte durch das Wäldchen.
Weinend bittet der Brautvater seinen Schwiegersohn:
„Bring mich, mein Schwiegersohn, hinter die Flüsse.
Ich schenke Dir mein Kind auf ewig.“
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