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Виробництво насіння кукурудзи у 2022 році. Працюємо, інвестуємо в Україну та наближаємо перемогу!

Опубліковано: 30 листоп. 2022 р.
On November 24th, 6 years ago, the grand opening of a seed processing and conditioning plant took place in the city of Kamianets-Podilskyi. So in 2022 our modern plant received corn seeds of KWS varieties for finishing already for the seventh time – this year the quantity is much bigger that during the first season.

On that day was also 9 months since we’ve been fighting for our freedom and independence. It is an extremely difficult year, which fell to the lot of the Ukrainian nation, due to russia's full-scale war on the territory of Ukraine, which caused incredibly devastating damage for the agricultural sector of our state. But we will definitely win and rebuild everything!

We are sincerely grateful to our courageous and tenacious farmers who continue to work and bring our victory closer. Some even have to sow seeds and harvest on temporarily occupied territories and/or under constant rocket fire.

We also owe our success to our colleagues – first of all, to those who currently serve in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and protect our country from the offensive of the invader, and, of course, to those who ensure the smooth functioning of all production processes in the rear.

Every day we are inspired by the resilience and courage of the Ukrainian people. We are proud to be Ukrainians and happy to work on our land! We continue to invest in Ukraine, no matter what!

Thanks to the Armed Forces of Ukraine! Thanks to the farmers! Everything will be Ukraine!

#kws #corn #cornseedproduction #seedplant #expectmore

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KWS UKRAINE — це офіційний канал компанії KWS в Україні, де ми розповідаємо про життя компанії зсередини та про застосування нашого насіння для конкретних потреб та вимог наших клієнтів: цукровий буряк, кукурудза (на зерно, силосна та енергетична), зернові (гібридне жито, пшениця та ячмінь) та олійні культури (ріпак, соняшник).
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