New LEGO WeDo 2.0 App - instructions & interface update
Опубліковано: 29 листоп. 2017 р.
Exciting update for WeDo 2.0 app on iOS and Chrome OS in all languages.
As part of an ongoing process to improve the “Getting Started” experience for the WeDo 2.0 app, the team has released an app update for WeDo 2.0 on iOS and Chrome OS in all languages (all other platforms will have the same update in February 2018 – date TBC).
Improvements include:
1. UX Improvements
2. Onboarding and Lobby
3. 4 Quick and easy “Getting Started” activities
4 New “Getting Started” Activities:
1. Cooling Fan
2. Glowing Snail
3. Moving Satellite
4. Spy Robot
Benefits of the 4 new “Getting Started” activities:
1. Each activity takes approx. 10-15min to build and code.
2. Enables teachers and students to start using WeDo 2.0 quick and easy.
3. An A-HA moment and instant success builds the confidence and the desire to continue using WeDo 2.0.
4. Quick and easy introduction of WeDo 2.0 into the classroom.
Enjoy the new content and do share your feedback! :)
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