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1 хв про Revolut рахунок для біженців в ЄС. Деталі в описі, технічна інструкція згодом

Опубліковано: 14 берез. 2022 р.
If you've been displaced by the invasion, follow these steps to open an account:

Download the Revolut app
Tap 'Sign up' and enter the phone number you're currently using. It can be any phone number, including your Ukrainian phone number, as long as you can receive text messages to it
Select the country you're currently in as your country of residence, e.g. Poland or Slovakia
Provide your current address outside Ukraine, e.g. address of the shelter, and fill out your personal info
Confirm your identity by selecting and uploading your Ukrainian passport* or identity card, as these are the documents that allow Ukrainian refugees to open an account
*If you're of another nationality coming from Ukraine, you'll need to follow the same steps and upload your passport as well as your Ukrainian visa.

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